Cruel things women do to men.


    We all think that mostly boys/men are wrong... and that boys are to be blamed. Hear hear... girls/women can be cruel too!! Some of the tricks they play with boys/men are as follows:

Emotional blackmail: This is the worst thing a women could do to a man. Men, by nature, hate any sort of unnecessary emotional involvement and women are known to get their way by emotionally blackmailing  them into doing what they want. Common blackmailing dialogues are: "You don't love me anymore", "Am i nothing for you?", "Would you leave me alone?"

Cry: This is the biggest weapon women could ever possess. And when they shed their tears, the strongest of hearts melt and they gain the sympathy. Women can cry a river to make you fulfill her demands... better watch out boys... don't get drowned in that river!

Be incommunicado: Women sometimes become unavailable. And God forbid, a fight ensues between you and your girl; she won't answer your phone or respond to your texts, giving you a hard time. You can say, it's her time to get some footage from you. After all, most women are 'attention hungry'!

Get a free drink: How many times it has happened that you spotted a hot chick at the bar and walked upto her, offering to buy her a drink, only to realise later that she already has a man in her life! This is one of those things, women use men for. As they say, 'never say no to alcohol', holds true to women as well.

No sex: One of the most often used tactics to extract  what they want from their man. Women use sex as an efficient tool to get things done their way and if not, then no sex for you dear!

Treat men as personal chauffeurs:  So they have a party to go to and you happen to own a vehicle... God save you if you refuse to drop her to the venue. While you are in a relationship, pick-up and drop services are one of the common things to happen to you.

 ... Or as body guards: So what if the girl doesn't want to date you? She can use you to protect herself from the unwanted men around. Women, who often have no intention of dating, use potential guys for their personal security.

 Squander your money: While it is perfectly normal for a guy to offer to pay for a dinner date once in a while, it is certainly cruel if he has to pick up the tab each time a date is planned. Girls always cash-in their men. Dinners, gifts and shopping are always on their list. So guys, keep your wallet heavy....always.

 Criticise your Mom: Being a girlfriend is the best possible excuse to criticise your mother. Doesn't matter if she is the world's best Mom, for your girl, she is the 'other woman'. And the other thing is that no man can peacefully have two women at a time in his life.

Keep your girl friends(female friends) at bay: If you have a lot of female friends, it's time you bid them farewell. It doesn't matter whether you are meeting just for a cup of coffee, the friend is a potential threat for your girl. Or else get ready to be questioned always by your girl.... "Who is she??? Why does she always want to meet you?? Why do you meet so often??? "

    So that is all I have to say... And what else... If you think your girl doesn't do the above things to you, then you are a very lucky man!! That is why I always say: "It's easy to get a girlfriend... but it's very difficult to get a good girlfriend!" Now what do you mean by a good girlfriend... well... I don't know the answer for that... I request you to let me know if you have the answer! tc.


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